Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Neose Technologies (NASDAQ:NTEC) Liquidation

I took a position earlier this year in Neose Technologies after they had announced their intention liquidate. They were a development stage biotech company that had not been profitable since inception. I took the position after they announced that they had been able to find buyers for their 2 patents. I essentially thought this situation was a low-risk scenario, ie. heads I win a lot, tails I don't lose much. In their filing for the asset sale they described their intention to distribute proceeds of the sales to shareholders of record. Their was a table showing management's estimates of what the payoff would be. Essentially, the payoffs ranged from $0.36 a share to $0.52 a share. The stock was trading at $0.35.

An analysis of the estimated distribution table showed that the only thing the amount of the final payoff depended on was the company's ability to either renegotiate their office lease, or sublet the lease. I thought either of these situations were highly likely, and therefore the expected payoff could be closer to $0.52 rather then $0.36.

On March 24th NTEC announced their initial distribution of $0.33 a share. Shareholder's on the last date of record will have received this amount plus the remainder when all liability claims are settled. Management's estimate is still between $0.36 and $0.52 a share. Even if the payout comes in at the lower end of the range my position will still be profitable.


I sold my shares after the stock transfer books closed on the OTC market for .12 a share. I received in total .33 + .12 = .45 on a .35 investment. My return was 29%.

These opportunities are great because they have no correlation to market activity and can help lift a portfolio in a bear market.


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